Conference “The economic analysis of the Bank of Spain”

The Bank of Spain, in collaboration with the FEET, has organized the Conference with the title

“The economic analysis of the Bank of Spain. Macroeconomic projections, access to data, research and employment opportunities.”

which will be given on Thursday, March 14 in the Assembly Hall (Búnker) of the FEET at noon, according to the following:


  • 12:00-12:30. Macroeconomic projections of the Spanish economy. Angel Gavilan.
  • 12:30-12:45. The Bank of Spain Survey on Economic Activity (EBAE): indicators of the Canary Islands compared to the rest of Spain. Enrique Moral.
  • 12:45-1:00 p.m. The information is available in the Balance Sheet Central of the Bank of Spain. Regional Report. Natividad Pérez.
  • 13:00-13:15. Report on the Financial Situation of Households and Companies. Second half of 2023. Impact of the increase in interest rates on interest payments and financial pressure. Irene Roibás.
  • 13:15-13:30. Employment opportunities at the Bank of Spain. Javier Valles.
  • 1:30 p.m.-2:00 p.m. Questions and discussion.


More information here.

Business Organization and Management Consulting needs an ACCOUNTANT – ECONOMIST

Business Organization and Management Consulting needs an ACCOUNTANT – ECONOMIST

Location: Lanzarote.

Salary to be agreed.

Immediate incorporation: March 1

Training: Professional or Higher Studies.

Requirements of the candidates:

  • With experience in accounting and business management.
  • Knowledge of preparing and reading Balance Sheets, quarterly models and fluency with dynamic tables in Excel will be valued.

Anyone interested send CV:

Contact person: Ivana Cabrera or Sabina Méndez

RIU Deputy Director Internship Program for Latin America 2024. Degree in Tourism.

This year, the selection process for candidates to participate in the RIU Latin America 2024 assistant management internship program opens again, with the option of hiring as assistant director of a hotel in the chain.

The internship will take place from June to December 2024. As a guide, the internship includes the different departments of the Hotel: Reception, Floors, Merchandise Reception, Entertainment, Central Pastry Shop, Dining Room, Palace Pastry Shop, Kitchen, Bar, HR Department, Purchasing Dept., Swimming Pool, Laundry, Gardening, Maintenance, MICE, Reception Audit and Hotel Management.

The requirements to access the program are:

– Be a final year student of the Degree in Tourism of the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism of the ULPGC, or of the Double Degrees in Business Administration or Tourism and Translation and Interpretation and Tourism, of the ULPGC.

  • Or, have a degree in Tourism from the ULPGC, or one of the Double Degrees mentioned and be enrolled in one of the FEET Master’s Degrees.
  • At an academic level, the student must have passed all the subjects, or at most have 1 or 2 subjects left, with the exception of the TFG (or TFM) and at the same time, have the TFG (or TFM) very advanced. (It is not essential to have passed the practices).
  • The student must remain enrolled in the ULPGC during the duration of the internship.


If they are selected, RIU will take care of their accommodation and maintenance and, in addition, they will be granted financial aid with a high probability of hiring as Junior Deputy Director and Career Plan at RIU Hotels & Resorts Latin America.

Candidate selection process for participation in the RIU Deputy Director internship program for Latin America 2024:

1. Send C.V. to the email: before February 29, 2024 indicating in the subject “RIU CANDIDATURE”.

2. Pre-selection of candidate: you will be contacted personally by email on March 1, 2024.

3. Interviews with the shortlisted candidates will be held on March 5, 2024 at the FEET (a single day and only in person).

Inauguration of EMOTUR Lab, to apply neuromarketing techniques to the tourism sector

The inauguration of the Emoturlab neurotourism laboratory recently took place, at TIDES, and within the FEET.

The opening table was attended by:

  • Dr. D. Lluís Serra Majen – Rector Magfco. de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Ilmo. Sr. D. José Manuel Sanabria Díaz-Viceconsejero de Turismo del Gobierno de Canarias.
  • D. Pedro Quevedo Iturbe – Concejal de Turismo en Ayto. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • D. Oswaldo Betancort García- Presidente del Cabildo de Lanzarote (Online-video).
  • D. Héctor Fernández. CEO Sociedad de Promoción Exterior de Lanzarote – SPEL.
  • Dr. D. Juan Manuel Benítez del Rosario, decano FEET- ULPGC.
  • Dr. D. Sergio Moreno, director del TIDES – ULPGC.