Julia Nieves Rodríguez the most influential researcher in intellectual capital in tourism

A worldwide study places FEET professor Dr. Julia Nieves Rodríguez as the most influential researcher in intellectual capital in tourism. The study has been published in the International Journal of Hospitality Management (impact factor: 11.7, in JCR decile 1 of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism) under the title “A bibliometric analysis of intellectual capital research in the hospitality and “tourism business setting.” It analyzes 408 articles that address intangible resources based on knowledge in the tourism industry and that have been published in 157 journals during the period 1989-2023. The article reveals a growing global interest in issues related to intellectual capital. Interest that involves academics from 72 countries/regions around the world, with the United States leading the way as the country that contributes and influences the most, followed by Spain and the United Kingdom. The analysis carried out reveals that “Julia Nieves emerges as the most influential author (total citations = 675), followed by Fevzi Okumus from the University of Central Florida (USA) (total citations = 611).” In addition, she is the second author who contributes the most to research on intellectual capital in the tourism industry, with seven published articles. Likewise, it is noted that “Julia Nieves (Spain) leads the Blue cluster, which brings together 15 authors who address knowledge resources linked to human and social capital as drivers of innovation and service performance.”