Talk organized by professors from our faculty together with the company Link Soluciones

Today, Wednesday, November 20, at 9:30 a.m., a talk organized by the company Link Soluciones in collaboration with professors from our faculty took place in the FEET Assembly Hall.

At the talk, details were given about the VeriFactu Regulation and the recent publication of the Ministerial Order that confirms the mandatory compliance with Law 11/2021, as it is an Exclusive Event with the AEAT

The speakers were Ms. María del Carmen Guillén Prieto and Mr. Luis Castelló, both from the Special Delegation of the AEAT in the Canary Islands.


Radio Marca at the FEET

On Tuesday, November 12th, from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., journalists from Radio Marca Gran Canaria broadcast a special program on the Economic and Fiscal Regime of the Canary Islands (REF) that was taken place in Module C (ground floor) of the FEET.

The program was attended by Mr. José Ramón Barrera Hernández, Commissioner of the REF of the Canary Islands, as well as the professor and Vice-Dean of the FEET, Dr. María Victoria Ruiz Mallorquí, the Rector of the ULPGC, Dr. D. Lluis Serra and students of the faculty.

Here are some moments of the program.

Paid Internship Talk in the USA

On Friday, October 25, 2024, a representative of «LET’S LIVE USA» presented the Summer Jobs Program in the United States through an information session.

«Let’s Live USA» ( is an agency authorized by the US Government that manages paid jobs in the summer season in the United States in amusement parks, hotels, camps… They take care of all the administrative procedures and all the bureaucratic procedures.

The jobs are very diverse and correspond mainly to the leisure, free time and hospitality sector. From hotels to amusement parks.

«Let’s live USA» services include:

– Work contract in the USA from Spain.
– Work permit.
– Medical and civil liability insurance.
– Assistance with visa procedures.
– 24-hour assistance in the United States through an emergency telephone number.
– Orientation session.

The program has an initial investment, but it is done in comfortable installments: 350 to register, a second payment of 850 euros and a third and final payment of 895 euros to pay the visa management costs and this amount is recovered with the income obtained from the work.

If you want to know more about this program and its possibilities, you can access the video of the talk at this link.

Here are some snapshots taken on the day of the talk.