The fundamental objective of this Double Degree is to train generalist translators and interpreters, that is, non-specialized translators and social or liaison interpreters with a specialized profile in tourism who consider the needs of business management and the tourist use of natural resources and culture, with global knowledge of all areas related to tourism, and with the ability to lead the development of projects and adapt efficiently to a rapidly changing environment.
Information for the student
Profile, requirements, outings, and enrollment
External practices
Point 6 of article 4.1 of Decree 168/2008, of July 22, which regulates the procedure, requirements, and evaluation criteria for the authorization of the implementation of university education leading to obtaining official titles of Degree, Master, and Doctorate of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, the provision of an external internship period for the degrees is established, which can have a variable duration of not less than 12 credits and that must preferably be offered during the last two years of the degree.
This article specifies that the practices can refer to very diverse activities, but they must contribute to developing competencies that favor the occupation of future graduates. In compliance with this Decree, in the fifth section of the verification report of the Degree in Business Administration and Management of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the professional module with 18 credits is described, which includes external practices with 12 ECTS.
The training and learning objectives of the External Practices subject are:
Get to know a company or public or private institution.
Promote students' employability and the links between the economic environment and the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism of the ULPGC.
Develop, promote, and apply the skills and knowledge highlighted in the degree profile.
Documentation Degree in Translation and Interpreting (English-German) and Degree in Tourism
- PEX-D-02. Student guide on external practices
- Calendar
- PEX-D-DGTIT-00 practical tasks profile
- PEX-07. Data formalization of the internship agreement. Si se necesita una versión en inglés, solicitar al Vicedecanato de Prácticas Externas
- Presentation of the subject in slides
Assignment of groups to academic tutors
- G.01.01. Francisco Gutiérrez Pérez: francisco.gutierrez@ulpgc.es
More information
Vice Dean of External Internships
The rules governing the external internships carried out in the degree are included in the ULPGC External Internship Regulation and the FEET Internship Training Project (both documents can be consulted in the Rules and Regulations section).
See all the Official FEET Studies