Videos: Liliana Toledo and Eduardo Dávila

In this link you can access a video of Liliana Toledo, an Economist qualified at FEET and who works at Banco España. She tells us in it about her experience as an economist and how her training at the ULPGC has helped her throughout her career. Likewise, Liliana gives some advice to students who begin their studies in the Economics Degree at the ULPGC.

In this other link you can also access the video of Eduardo Dávila, Economist with training in the FEET and professor of Economics at Yale University (USA). He tells us about his experience as an economist and how his training at the ULPGC has helped him throughout his career. Furthermore, Eduardo gives some advice to students who begin their studies in the Economics Degree at the ULPGC.

Welcome day 2023-24

On Monday, September 11, 2023, the Welcome Day for new students at the FEET took place, with a large influx of students in the two sessions that were held.

Subject Presentation End of Title Project 2023/24

In the following link you have access to the video and in this other to the slides of the session “Subject Presentation End of Title Project
Course 2023/2024” that took place in the FEET Degree Room on 09/11/2023 by Dra. María Victoria Ruiz Mallorquí.