The university teaching of the Degree in Economics provides a scientifically based training and professional orientation that enables the analysis and interpretation of the functioning of the economy in its aspects: individual and aggregate, to improve the well-being of society and, in general, rigorously addressing the analysis and solution of the most relevant economic and social problems. This title of the branch of Social and Legal Sciences was published in BOE on 11/11/2010.
The study plan that leads to the Bachelor’s degree in Economics, taught by the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, has been designed so that students can study a total of 240 ECTS credits in four years.
The minimum number of European enrollment credits per student and academic year in the degree follows the Rules for Progress and Permanence in official degrees of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which establish the modalities of enrollment on time complete and partial. Full-time students, the regular dedication regime of ULPGC students, must enroll in all the first year’s ECTS credits; from the second enrollment, they will have to enroll between 48 and 60 ECTS credits. Part-time students, for their part, must register for 30 ECTS credits in the first year and from the dual enrollment for between 24 and 30 ECTS credits. The student may request the modification of these limits in the Administration of the Building within the periods established for this purpose and according to the conditions included in the regulation.
The Degree in Economics is organized into semester subjects of 6 European ECTS credits. The ULPGC regulation establishes the value of each credit in 25 hours of student work. In this way, students must take five-semester subjects to complete 30 credits per semester (750 hours) and, thus, reach 60 credits per year (1500 hours) and a total of 240 credits in four years (6000 hours).
The languages used throughout the training process are Spanish and English, with the English language corresponding to 7.5 percent of the total credits of the degree collected in the teaching of three compulsory subjects. The student must have the equivalent of level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages in a foreign language to obtain the degree.
RD 861/2010, which modifies RD 1393/2007, establishes that access to official Bachelor’s degrees will be governed following the provisions of RD 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulate the conditions for access to official university degree courses and admission procedures to Spanish public universities, modified by RD 558/2010, of May 7. The Governing Council of the ULPGC, in a session of April 27, 2010, agrees to approve the Regulations for Access and Admission of the ULPGC for Official Degrees created in the application of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29. On September 27, 2010, the Permanent Commission of the Governing Council of the ULPGC approved the modification of said regulation.
Information for the student
Profile, requirements, outings, and enrollment
Regarding the admission profile, the student must be integrated into the training project that this Economics Degree entails with the following attitudes and personal and academic qualities:
- They were motivated and interested in studying economic systems and their operation.
- Mastery of the knowledge acquired in the LOGSE baccalaureate or equivalent studies.
- Ability to study, comprehend, analyze, and synthesize.
- Capacity for logical and abstract reasoning.
- Ability to use economic reality analysis tools.
- Ease of communication and teamwork.
- Responsible, receptive, adaptable, and improving.
- Creative, innovative, organized, organizer, and planner.
- Dynamic and enterprising.
RD 861/2010, which modifies RD 1393/2007, establishes that access to official Bachelor's degrees will be governed following the provisions of RD 1892/2008, of November 14, which regulate the conditions for access to official university degree courses and admission procedures to Spanish public universities, modified by RD 558/2010, of May 7.
The Governing Council of the ULPGC, in a session of April 27, 2010, agrees to approve the Regulations for Access and Admission of the ULPGC for Official Degrees created in the application of Royal Decree 1393/2007 of October 29. On September 27, 2010, the Permanent Commission of the Governing Council of the ULPGC approved the regulation modification.
Establishing specific entrance tests is not considered for access to the Degree in Economics. However, it is recommended that the minimum level of English required is B1.
For more information, you can visit the the ULPGC Access website.
University education in Economics provides the graduate student with a wide range of job opportunities, including study and planning services, taxation and public finances, international organizations, foreign trade, business management, and consulting and advisory services. Likewise, the Graduate in Economics enables access to official Master's degrees as established in RD RD 861/2010, which modifies RD 1393/2007 on the organization of official university education.
External practices
Point 6 of article 4.1 of Decree 168/2008, of July 22, which regulates the procedure, requirements, and evaluation criteria for the authorization of the implementation of university education leading to obtaining official titles of Degree, Master, and Doctorate of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands, the provision of an external internship period for the degrees is established, which can have a variable duration of not less than 12 credits and that must preferably be offered during the last two years of the degree. This article specifies that the practices can refer to very diverse activities, but they must contribute to developing competencies that favor the occupation of future graduates. In compliance with this Decree, in the fifth section of the verification report of the Degree in Economics of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the professional module with 18 credits is described. The external practices with 12 ECTS are framed. The training and learning objectives of the External Practices subject are:
- Get to know a company or public or private institution
- Promote the employability of students and the links between the economic environment and the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism of the ULPGC
- Develop, promote, and apply the skills and knowledge highlighted in the profile of the degree
- PEX-D-02. Student guide on external practices
- Calendar
- PEX-D-GECO-00. GECO practical tasks profile
- PEX-00-GECO. Previous questionnaire
- PEX-07. Data formalization of the internship agreement. If a version in English is needed, request the Vice Dean for External Practices.
- Presentation of the subject in slides
Assignment of groups to academic tutors
- G.01.01. Dolores Santos Peñate: dr.santos@ulpgc.es
More information
Vice Dean of External Internships
The rules governing the external internships carried out in the degree are included in the ULPGC External Internship Regulation and the FEET Internship Training Project (both documents can be consulted in the Rules and Regulations section).
Teaching projects, justification, objectives and results
List of Teaching Projects of the Degree in Economics
The Degree in Economics is the adaptation to the European Higher Education Area of the official title of Bachelor of Economics, taught at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria since the academic year 1994-95 (BOE nº 217, of September 10, 1994), with partial modifications for the 1997-98 academic year (BOE No. 83, of April 7, 1997, and BOE No. 261, of October 31, 1997).
Qualified professionals are required for the study and technical solution of economic problems. This qualification is obtained by taking a set of subjects that provide the specific knowledge and skills of the profession of general economist. The combination of these subjects will make up the study plan for the Degree in Economics.
The academic, scientific, and professional interest has been analyzed and revealed in the White Paper on the Degree in Economics and Business, published within the ANECA European Convergence Program. The experience accumulated at the ULPGC through the Bachelor's degree in Economics allows us to face the design and implementation of the new degree with guarantees. The most recent data show that, despite the decrease in the number of students enrolled in Economics studies for the nation as a whole, at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, the degree of acceptance of Economics studies maintains at an acceptable level with the incorporation of more than 100 new students in each of the last four years. In this way, the academic organization for a group of more than 500 students on average per year is undoubtedly an important and relevant figure in the whole of the ULPGC.
For the design of the study plan for the Degree in Economics, references external to the University have been used, and internal consultations have been carried out.
For the design of the Degree in Economics study plan, references external to the University have been used that allow it to be endorsed. In this sense, the degrees in the field of Economics in Spain have been analyzed, both in public and private universities, throughout Europe and in the OECD countries. In addition, the White Paper of the ANECA European Convergence Program for Economics and Business Studies, the Technical Sheet of the University Degree Proposal, according to RD 55/2005, of January 21 - Teaching of Degree in Economics-, the reports of professional associations and colleges, as well as the state, regional and University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria regulations applicable to the preparation of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics.
The studies of the ULPGC and those referred to in the technical file and the white paper of ANECA reveal high activity rates of graduates in Economics. These rates, close to 90%, indicate a high level of employability. Regarding the period of insertion in the labor market of the graduates, it is remarkable the fact that more than half of the students find a job before finishing their studies and that close to 90% of the graduates in Economics obtain their first job in less than six months after completing the training at the University.
The proposed Degree in Economics aims to provide primary and general training that allows access in the best possible conditions to any of the various professional opportunities for which Economics studies qualify. Based on this commonly available training, which occupies most of the student's training effort, groupings of optional subjects are offered in two possible itineraries, which, subsequently and as far as possible, will be adapted to new demands that may exist in the future. The two possible itineraries aim to order homogeneous subjects based on the strengths of the two most essential departments taught in the curriculum: Quantitative Methods in Economics and Management and Applied Economic Analysis. In this way, it is intended to cover as a first step the various professional opportunities, significantly reinforcing the most common employability profiles for this type of study in our environment:
Consulting and economic planning. This profile represents one of the leading professional opportunities for graduates in Economics. Particularly noteworthy are the advice and consultancy on urban and land-use planning issues, the environment, and tourism-related issues. For this reason, it is desirable to incorporate elements of these areas of the economy in the design of the title. The treatment of surveys and the knowledge of the regulation and competition of the markets contribute to a solid formation with which to face the challenges of this professional choice.
Public administration. Both public administrations and private companies with high levels of activity linked to public administrations offer jobs to graduates with Economics studies. Knowledge of the public sector, regulation, public policies, and the specifics of the health, labor, educational, and environmental economy, allows them to have the knowledge and tools to approach the professional career with more excellent guarantees of success. A supplement with aspects of contractual, administrative, and public management procedures puts them in an advantageous position for these critical occupations.
International Organizations and jobs related to foreign trade. The professional opportunities for Economics graduates in international organizations and relationships with them are increasing in a globalized world. Preparation on aspects of the development and international cooperation, public policies, and foreign trade, as well as knowledge of European organizations and the world economy, are essential and complementary to the basic skills acquired in the first years of the degree within these organizations.
The central objective of the Degree in Economics is to train professionals capable of carrying out tasks of management, advice, and evaluation in economic matters in general. These tasks can be carried out in the private or public sphere, the company, or any other institution of economic and social relevance. The graduate must know the operation and consequences of financial systems, identify the different alternatives for resource allocation, wealth accumulation, and income distribution, and be in a position to contribute to its proper functioning and improvement. Specifically, they must know how to identify and anticipate the relevant economic problems in any specific situation, and they must discuss the different alternatives that facilitate the resolution of the problem posed; they must order the other solutions seeking the most appropriate depending on the objectives and, finally, they must evaluate the results of the chosen solution.
Following the classification indicated in the White Paper, the objectives of training and knowledge learning are divided into three blocks: those that focus on the nature of the economy and the immediate and immediate national and international economic environment; the models and techniques that contribute to the representation of economic activity; and instrumental knowledge. Next, the specific objectives indicated in the White Paper for the degree in Economics are grouped based on the subjects of compulsory knowledge for a graduate in Economics.
1. Microeconomics
- Knowledge and understanding of the economic concepts of scarcity and resource allocation, as well as the operation of the price system.
- Knowledge and ability to analyze the essential elements of consumption and production theory, competitive equilibrium, the functioning of non-competitive markets, and economic efficiency.
- Understanding and critical capacity of the theoretical foundations of decision making. Knowledge of the main microeconomic models, industrial economics, the functioning of imperfectly competitive markets, and the implications of economic regulation.
2. Macroeconomics:
- Knowledge of the operation and basic interpretation of the income determination model in an open economy.
- Knowledge and ability to interpret the macroeconomic concepts of money, inflation, unemployment, public deficit, external deficit, growth, and the different economic policy instruments.
- Knowledge of the main macroeconomic models and the theories of economic growth and development. Public sector economics.
3. Public sector economy:
- Knowledge of public sector economic intervention's nature, justification, and objectives.
- Analytical capacity, mastery of economic theories and basic concepts of public finance and taxation, and knowledge of the economic peculiarities in the provision and results of social services, health, education, etc.
- Ability to prepare and evaluate economic policies and knowledge of welfare theory.
4. Spanish and international economy:
- Knowledge of the operation and description of the characteristic elements of the Spanish economy and world economies' distinctive features.
- Knowledge of the main theories of international economics and international exchanges as a conditioning element of resource allocation and macroeconomic stability.
- Ability to analyze and describe the national and international economic reality.
5. Quantitative economic methods:
- Knowledge and application to the field of economics of mathematical elements: linear algebra, differential and integral calculus, and mathematical optimization.
- Ability to apply and interpret economic problems through the instruments of descriptive statistics, probability, statistical inference, simple regression models and explanatory variables, and econometric models.
- Knowledge of the basic concepts of econometrics and the estimation of economic models, among others, those of time series.
6. Economic History and Law
- Knowledge and ability to analyze the main determinants of economic history.
- Knowledge of the evolution of economic institutions.
- Knowledge of public and private law concepts and elements: the primary legal system and institutions of Civil, Administrative, and Fiscal Law.
7. Business environment:
- Knowledge of the basic theory of the company, as well as the organization of companies and their functional areas.
- Knowledge and ability to interpret the essential elements of accounting.
- Analytical capacity and knowledge of the economy and financial institutions.
- Business management skills.
It can be concluded that the general objective of this bachelor's degree is for graduates to reach an adequate level in the development of the essential competencies listed below, taking into account that to develop these competencies adequately, it is necessary to work on the set of generic competencies and specific. To ensure the achievement of the competencies, they will be evaluated as specified in the description of each subject. Determining the degree in Economics competencies has been done by referencing the White Paper for the Degree in Economics and Business of ANECA. In general, the graduate in Economics must have acquired the character of a professional in economics, a practical person with clear skills, experienced in their field, who can address economic problems with professional criteria and manage technical instruments. For this, he must achieve a series of competencies that we have differentiated between specific (CE) and general (CG). All of them are inspired by the skills and abilities proposed by the White Paper for the Degree in Economics to achieve the objectives of the proposed title. In addition, core competencies (CN) have also been taken into account to develop more comprehensively. Through acquiring these competencies, graduates can achieve the five essential competencies (CB) listed in RD 1393/2007, Annex I, 3.2, some of which are specific and others generic. These competencies are detailed below:
- CB1. Possess and understand the knowledge of economics from the foundation of general secondary education at a level that, while supported by advanced textbooks, also includes some aspects that imply knowledge from the cutting edge of the economy.
- CB2. Know how to apply knowledge of economics to their work or vocation professionally and have the skills that are usually demonstrated through the development and defense of arguments and problem-solving within economics.
- CB3. Have the ability to gather and interpret relevant data from the area of economics to make judgments that reflect on relevant social, scientific, or ethical issues.
- CB4. Being able to transmit information, ideas, problems, and solutions regarding the economy to both specialized and non-specialized audiences.
- CB5. To have developed the necessary learning skills to undertake further studies in economics with a high degree of autonomy.
However, it must be considered that these basic skills are achieved by taking advantage of the different training modules the student has to take. They are not worked exclusively on some of the subjects of the Degree in Economics. Likewise, the establishment of the competencies of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics complies with the current norms and regulations regarding the principles of equal opportunities, non-discrimination, and accessibility, contemplated in Law 51/2003, of December 2, on equality of opportunities non-discrimination and universal accessibility for people with disabilities. To this end, the Department of Psychosocial Care of the Office of the Vice President for Students and University Extension of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria has established different programs and measures to integrate students with disabilities fully. For all of the above, the competencies of the Bachelor's degree in Economics from the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria have been organized around four fundamental blocks: (1) nuclear, alluding to a set of competencies specific to the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria with which it is pursued that the people who study and finally obtain the degree corresponding to their degree present a graduate profile that reveals an authentic sense of professionalism; (2) general, which are those that refer to the training of a university student in a generic sense; (3) specific, which are those that refer to those that graduate in Economics must develop in a particular way, and (4) specific to the subjects, which are those that will be developed in the different training modules that make up the curriculum. Studies. Below is a detailed description of the set of competencies of the first three blocks of the Bachelor's Degree in Economics students.
- CN1. Communicate appropriately and respectfully with different audiences (clients, collaborators, promoters, social agents, etc.), using the most appropriate supports and means of communication (especially the new information and communication technologies) so that they can reach understand the interests, needs, and concerns of people and organizations, as well as clearly express the sense of the mission entrusted to him and how he can contribute, with his professional skills and knowledge, to the satisfaction of those interests, needs, and concerns.
- CN2. Cooperate with other people and organizations in effectively performing functions and tasks of their professional profile, developing a reflective attitude about their professional skills and knowledge and an understanding and empathetic attitude towards the skills and knowledge of other professionals.
- CN3. Please contribute to the continuous improvement of their profession and the organizations in which they develop their practices through active participation in research, development, and innovation processes.
- CN4. Actively engage in the development of professional practices that respect human rights and the ethical norms of their professional field to generate trust in the beneficiaries of their profession and obtain the legitimacy and authority that society recognizes.
- CN5. Actively participate in multicultural integration that favors full human development, coexistence, and social justice.
- CG1. Regularly use information and communications technology in all their professional performance.
- CG2. Read and communicate professionally in English.
- GC3. Apply professional criteria based on the management of technical instruments to analyze problems.
- GC4. Communicate fluently in their environment and work as a team.
- GC5. Analyze problems with critical reasoning, without prejudice, and with precision and rigor.
- GC6. Defend a point of view, showing and appreciating the bases of other dissenting points of view.
- GC7. Synthesis capacity.
- CE1. Contribute to the good management of the allocation of resources in both the private and public spheres.
- CE2. Identify and anticipate relevant economic problems about allocating resources in general, both in the private and public spheres.
- CE3. Bring rationality to the analysis and description of any aspect of economic reality.
- CE4. Given the objectives, evaluate the consequences of different action alternatives and select the best ones.
aking into account the historical data obtained and considering that students in the new university framework will have to increase their work time considerably, we propose the following estimate as foreseeable:
- Graduation rate: 20%
- Dropout rate: 35%
- Efficiency rate: 75%
Following RD 1393/2007, of October 29, which establishes the organization of official university education, the indicators above will be calculated as follows:
- Graduation rate: percentage of students who complete their education within the time stipulated in the study plan or one more academic year about their entry cohort
- Dropout rate: percentage relationship between the total number of students in a new admission cohort who should have obtained their degree the previous academic year and who have not enrolled in that academic year or the previous one.
- Efficiency rate: percentage relationship between the total number of credits in the study plan that the group of graduates of a given academic year should have enrolled in throughout their studies and the total number of credits they had to enroll in.
See all the Official FEET Studies