The End of Title Project (TFT) is a practical project with a business profile prepared by the student himself under the guidance of his tutor. It is one of the essential learning activities of the training program. It consists of planning, carrying out, presenting, and defending an academic paper about a specific area of knowledge acquired in the degree. The primary objective of the work is focused on applying the knowledge and skills gained throughout the Master, as well as facilitating the development of relevant skills acquired and associated with the profile of the degree. More specifically, the objectives are:

  • Ability to analyze various sources of information and synthesize content.
  • Development of oral and written communication skills.
  • Organization and planning capacity.
  • Ethical commitment and responsibility at work.
  • Ability to work and function autonomously.

The Regulations for the Execution and Evaluation of Final Degree Projects of the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism contain essential information for the proper development of the TFT. You can also consult the Regulation of Final Degree Projects of the ULPGC and the Guide for the elaboration of a TFT.