It is a voluntary participation program whose objective is guidance and support among university students. During the first semester of the current course, second-year students or higher (mentors) guide newly recruited students (mentors) with the help of a tutor. With this, the mentor obtains a certificate that recognizes two credits for participation in university activities. The mentee receives the support of a student from the same Center and preferably from the same degree.

Specifically, this Program aims to develop a guidance and support service for new students through a peer mentoring system, through which a student in a higher course (student mentor) advises students from new entry (mentored students). In turn, the student mentors are coordinated by tutor teachers. This work will allow mentored students (recent admission):

  • A better adaptation to university life.
  • Know teaching aspects such as the study plan, schedules, group changes, exam calls, and student delegation, and obtain academic resources such as using the university library, exchange programs, etc.
  • Deal with administrative aspects such as requesting academic certifications, using the electronic office, etc.
  • Greater integration into the social life of the university.

For their part, student mentors will be able to develop the following competencies:

  • Social skills.
  • Leadership.
  • Commitment.
  • Solidarity.
  • Teamwork.

Students who participate as mentors will receive an academic recognition of 2 ECTS credits for their work with a supporting document issued by the ULPGC.

The application to be a mentor student and a mentee student will be communicated to students promptly.

Course 2023-2024


Regulation, 3/2023 of the ULPGC Mentoring Program, establishes that a mentor-student maybe anyone who has passed at least 60 credits of the Degree they are studying.

The Mentor student will obtain a Certificate with which they can request that two credits be recognized for their participation in university activities.

Please be advised that if they plan to participate in a mobility program during the first semester, they cannot act as mentors.

It’s crucial to note that the registration period, from April 29 to July 15, is the window of opportunity to join this beneficial program. Don’t miss out, register at the electronic headquarters.

In this link you can download the provisional list of students admitted as Mentors to the Mentor-ULPGC Program for the academic year 2023-24