Inauguration of EMOTUR Lab, to apply neuromarketing techniques to the tourism sector

The inauguration of the Emoturlab neurotourism laboratory recently took place, at TIDES, and within the FEET.

The opening table was attended by:

  • Dr. D. Lluís Serra Majen – Rector Magfco. de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • Ilmo. Sr. D. José Manuel Sanabria Díaz-Viceconsejero de Turismo del Gobierno de Canarias.
  • D. Pedro Quevedo Iturbe – Concejal de Turismo en Ayto. de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • D. Oswaldo Betancort García- Presidente del Cabildo de Lanzarote (Online-video).
  • D. Héctor Fernández. CEO Sociedad de Promoción Exterior de Lanzarote – SPEL.
  • Dr. D. Juan Manuel Benítez del Rosario, decano FEET- ULPGC.
  • Dr. D. Sergio Moreno, director del TIDES – ULPGC.

New call for research assistant personnel 2024

The new job calls for the creation of a temporary pool of technical staff – research assistants, with reference number 2024T02.

Those still studying for the degree in the 23/24 academic year can apply, but upon signing the contract, they must have completed it.

It is a magnificent opportunity to expand the knowledge acquired during academic studies, access the complete databases currently in the economic and financial field, and develop a broader vision of economic development and the analysis of public policies and institutions.

In this link, you will find the rules of the call, and in this other link, the “Work at the Bank” section of the Bank of Spain website to register.

The application submission deadline will end on February 26, 2024, at 2 p.m. (Spanish peninsular time).

Research report “Cohesion Policy in the outermost regions” published by the European Parliament

FEET and TIDES professors at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Sergio Moreno Gil, and Patricia Picazo Peral, co-authored the research report “Cohesion Policy in the outermost regions” published by the European Parliament. The Regional Development Committee of the European Parliament requested this study.

The report analyzes the nine outermost regions (ORs) of the EU: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Réunion, Martinique, Mayotte and Saint Martin (France), the Azores and Madeira (Portugal) and the Canary Islands (Spain). It focuses on the EU Cohesion Policy in the ORs, first describing these regions’ geographical, climatic, socio-economic, demographic, and administrative characteristics and analyzing the vulnerabilities that affect their convergence processes. It pays particular attention to implementing the EU Cohesion Policy and using local approaches to promote economic growth.

The report highlights the geostrategic role of the outermost regions and the opportunities they offer for the EU, territorial cohesion, and progress towards a more innovative, greener, more connected, and social Europe. It also addresses the complementarity of Cohesion Policies with other strategies.

The conclusions highlight the need to:

  1. Protect Article 349 of the TFEU as an essential regulatory provision that allows outermost regions to overcome (in part) their disadvantages while competing in the EU Single Market.
  2. Introduce flexibility and adaptation in the Cohesion Policy to increase the participation of local actors and the quality of their projects, as well as other EU policies to achieve cross-fertilization of projects financed by the EU.
  3. Support for the development of (sustainable) transport in the ORs.
  4. We decided on promoting the green transition (for example, with a specific instrument dedicated to the Green Deal in its key policies).
  5. It is supporting R&D and innovation in its key areas that catalyze transformation.
    Policymakers at all levels of governance must devote considerable attention to R&D and innovation in future policies and strategies for the outermost regions.

The press echoed some results of the EP report:;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!QHltoIUnSkRfrBF9GoLBrlw-jIPivwcNM91vYS9IG1CyAX-iGghTMltTD0qBTwWSEqBxnkpwDvwx22q6LD_XeQnm_htbWw$;!!D9dNQwwGXtA!QHltoIUnSkRfrBF9GoLBrlw-jIPivwcNM91vYS9IG1CyAX-iGghTMltTD0qBTwWSEqBxnkpwDvwx22q6LD_XeQnpyvjvNA$


Citation: “Maucorps, A, Fortuna, M, Ponce Dentinho, T, Jean-Pierre, P, Moreno Gil, S & Picazo Peral, P, 2024, Research for REGI Committee – Cohesion Policy in the outermost regions, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels”

FITUR Tribuna Jorge Vila Fradera Award to Professor Desiderio Juan García Almeida

The professor of our faculty, Dr. D. Desiderio Juan García Almeida, together with Professor Tamara González (University School of Tourism of Lanzarote-ULPGC), have obtained the XXV FITUR Jorge Vila Fradera Tribuna Award. This award was announced on January 27, 2024, at the Fitur 2024 International Tourism Fair. In the following links, you will find more details about this news: