Welcome day 2023-24

On Monday, September 11, 2023, the Welcome Day for new students at the FEET took place, with a large influx of students in the two sessions that were held.

Subject Presentation End of Title Project 2023/24

In the following link you have access to the video and in this other to the slides of the session “Subject Presentation End of Title Project
Course 2023/2024” that took place in the FEET Degree Room on 09/11/2023 by Dra. María Victoria Ruiz Mallorquí.

News in La Provincia about an End of Title Project on Tourism

A piece of news related to the End of Title Project developed by a Graduate in Tourism, Rodolfo Juan Espino, has been published in La Provincia, and in which he addresses in depth the great pending issue in the Canarian economy: the way to promote and strengthen cultural tourism in the Islands.

Graduation Ceremony of the X Promotion of GADE

On July 22, 2023, it took place at the Cuyás Theater in Las Palmas de G.C. the Graduation Ceremony of the X Promotion of the Degree in Business Administration and Management, Promotion 2019-23. We leave here some moments of the event.
Congratulations to the new graduates.