Degree in Computer Engineering and Degree in Business Administration and Management

The unique curricular program for the double degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Business Administration and Management is an educational offer aimed at those students who wish to obtain comprehensive training in the two degrees offered by the School of Computer Engineering and the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism. This unique curricular program allows taking both degrees and obtaining the corresponding titles.

Regarding the admission profile, the student who wishes to take this double degree of the Degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Business Administration and Management. In this sense, they must have an exceptional sensitivity for business development and initiative to create and lead businesses that generate wealth and employment. He will have the decision-making and leadership capacity to adequately integrate human teams and information and communication technologies. In this sense, the personal and academic characteristics that, in general, are considered adequate are:

  • Being interested in ICTs.
  • Be proficient in mathematics, English, and computer science at the user level.
  • Have logical-deductive capacity, abstraction, spatial reasoning, and facility to apply knowledge to real problems.
  • Possess organizational skills for group work.
  • Have exceptional sensitivity for business development, with decision-making and leadership capacity.

As specific access requirements, you must have passed the entrance test in one of the two degrees involved in this curricular program. In the event of abandonment by the student of this curricular program, they can only continue their studies to the degree to which they passed the specific entrance test.

The person responsible for administrative and financial management is the Building Administration of the School of Computer Engineering.

The professional opportunities of both degrees form a wide range of job possibilities. Among these degrees’ the leading and most common professional options are business organization and administration, consulting, business research, software development, system design, and implementation.

The study plan for the double degree in Computer Engineering and the Degree in Business Administration and Management at the ULPGC has been designed so that students can study 360 ECTS credits in four years.

Degree in Engineering in Telecommunication Technologies and Degree in Business Administration and Management

As stated in the White Paper on Degrees in the Digital Economy sector, this results from the disruptive capacity that Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) produces in all economical sectors and social and personal activities. Applications, processes, content and digital entities, and associated services influence the real economy, offering a global platform where people, virtual entities, and organizations interact, communicate, collaborate and search for information, forcing them to define new strategies and ways of competing. In this sense, there is no doubt that the application of technology in business processes is a reality in Spain. The Double Degree that is presented includes the competencies of the original titles and pools them with the fundamental objective of training highly trained professionals for the challenges of Telecommunications and Business and with the ability to adapt to future challenges.

The degree has 402 ECTS credits, distributed over 11 semesters at a rate of 72 credits per year in the first ten semesters and 42 in the last, which will contain all the theoretical and practical training that the student must acquire. Each ECTS credit equals 25 hours of student work, with 40% attendance.

The person responsible for administrative and financial management is the Administration of the Building of the School of Telecommunications and Electronic Engineering.

The languages used throughout the training process are Spanish and English.

As specific access requirements, you must have passed the entrance test in one of the two degrees involved in this curricular program. In the event of abandonment by the student of this curricular program, they can only continue their studies to the degree to which they passed the specific entrance test.

Degree in Business Administration and Management and Degree in Law

The single-curricular program for the double degree in Business Administration and Management and the Degree in Law is an educational offer for students who wish to obtain comprehensive training in the two undergraduate degrees offered by the Faculty of Economics, Business and Tourism, and the Faculty of Legal Sciences. This unique curricular program allows taking both degrees and obtaining the corresponding titles.

The administrative and financial management person is the Administration of the Building of the Faculty of Economics, Business, and Tourism.

The study plan for the double degree in Business Administration and Management and the Law Degree at the ULPGC has been designed so the student can study 360 ECTS credits in five and a half years.

The minimum number of European enrollment credits per student and academic year in the degree follows the Rules for Progress and Permanence in official degrees of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, which establish the modalities of enrollment on time complete and partial. Full-time students, the regular dedication regime of ULPGC students, must enroll in all the first year’s ECTS credits; from the second enrollment, they will have to register between 48 and 60 ECTS credits. Part-time students, for their part, must enroll for 30 ECTS credits in the first year and from the dual enrollment for between 24 and 30 ECTS credits. The student may request the modification of these limits in the Administration of the Building within the periods established for this purpose and according to the conditions included in the regulation.