Report prepared by the ULPGC Employment and Employability Observatory

The Employment and Employability Observatory of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, OEE-ULPGC, has sent to the FEET
the main employment indicators of the 2020/2021 cohort, 24 months after graduation and satisfaction with studies, acquired skills and curricular practices.

You can access the report at this link.

The newspaper La Provincia reports today, January 20, 2025, on the publication of a study that associates Machiavellianism and psychopathy with cyber sexual harassment, a study that was carried out by FEET professors Margarita Fernández Monroy, Agustín J. Sánchez Medina and Inmaculada Galván Sánchez.

You can see more details about the news at this link.


Talk-discussion. Young people: how to motivate them and activate their talents

Last Monday, December 9th, a talk-discussion led by Juan Ferrer (expert in change management) took place in classroom C.1.5 of Module C of the FEET as part of the activities scheduled for Mentors who work in the FEET Mentor Program.

Title of the talk-discussion:

Young people: how to motivate them and activate their talents


Certain factors have led to the situation of demotivation and abandonment that we are experiencing in the academic and business part of the young generations. It is necessary to know them in order to know where to act. This talk-discussion seeks to understand the causes, define the elements that motivate every human being, and see where we should act to inspire, involve and involve young talent in the development and growth of their personal and professional lives.

Here are some moments of the talk-discussion.

2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities

The 2024 Academic Ranking of World Universities has recently been published.

It should be noted that with regard to tourism research, the ULPGC is the first Spanish university in this category, out of a total of 13 Spanish universities that have managed to enter the ranking. It is followed by the University of Alicante (position 42), Valencia (51-75), Granada (76-100), Baleares (76-100) and Rovira i Virgili (76-100). It should be noted that only the first 200 universities worldwide are included in this ranking in the tourism category.

To give an idea of ​​the achievement of the ULPGC in Tourism, it should be noted that only eight Spanish universities manage to be among the 50 best in the world in any discipline, such as Veterinary Medicine or Economics. Furthermore, in the 14 areas of Social Sciences (such as Economics, Law, Sociology, Psychology, Statistics or Business Administration), no Spanish university occupies such a prominent position as the ULPGC in Tourism-Hospitality and Tourism Management.

Congratulations to all the professors who have made this achievement possible.

You can access the news published in Canarias 7 at this link.